At my job we share an office with another company. We are going to be moving our office soon . The District Manager of the of the other company (who shares the office with us) was talking about a "super office" and just getting a much bigger office (to combine a few of their satellite offices and ours) and promoting their HR Specialist to their office manager. I said "Great! If we do that, you can hire a receptionist so I can have my own office." (I am the office manager and all around "Jane of All Trades" in my office. I sit in the front office because our receptionist quit a year ago and business has been too slow to justify hiring another one. )
He then said, "Tammy you ARE the receptionist!" I was floored! All I could say was, "Uhh, NO, I am not!" He then laughed and walked away.

I was actually kinda pissed off! I have paid my dues at this office. It might have been a joke, but I couldn't help feeling way undervalued, and like all of my experience and accomplishments were just dismissed. I am not trying to look down on receptionists. I think they are valuable assets to an office.
I need some other opinions.
That so totally Bites when that happens. I know you aren't dogging receptionists --but you've kinda advanced from there it sounds like. The upper echelons (sp) never get it. I work too and it seems like many time you are undervalued. HEY - just go to work in your Superwoman Bra and that will get his attention. You can say "reception this". hang in there.
wow - that is rough when you are thinking you are being promoted, then get demoted instead...
This happened to me! I totally get where you're coming from. I didn't mind answering the phone until someone referred to me as the receptionist... all I was doing was helping the ACTUAL receptionist out while she was on maternity leave.
It does suck and it's not funny to make jokes like that.
After I had my son, I took a sort of "maternity leave". I was gone for the summer, since I teach preschool and we don't have preschool in the summer. I was the assistant manager. When I came back? Yup, demoted. Now everyone's constantly asking me if I'm a manager or not, especially since I'm still doing all the same work I used to. (Oooh, sorry about the rant, and making this about me! Really just trying to say "I get it! It does suck!") :)
My thought is that if he meant it, he was rude and you are justified in having your feelings hurt. We all want our efforts to be valued. However, if he didn't really mean it and though he was being funny, let it go. Men say dumb things without thinking. They don't mean to be offensive, it just happens naturally. (And I am not male bashing, I love men, it is just the truth. I have had my feelings hurt many times by men I work with and when I have talked with them they have all been totally clueless as to why it would have bothered me. I have learned to just dust it off and move on.
I don't think you are being too sensitive. Its too bad that he was so IN-SENSITIVE! I think sometimes men forget that the sense of humor they use with "their buddies" is not appropriate on the ladies OR in a professional setting. For what my 2 cents is worth, try not to let it get to you! Sounds like he made a fool of himself!
You guys are right, I need to just brush it off and move on.
Thanks for your thoughts.
People who say mean and demeaning things have major issues themselves and in being mean or superior, it puffs them up, even if it is at the expense of other people's feelings...He's the problem...steer clear of him...continue doing your job and don't give it another thought !
So sorry that you were hurt. I too know what it is like to be undervalued in a position. Love reading your posts-you always make me laugh. Thanks for the tag, it may be awhile before I get to it. I usually put too much thought into those kinds of things (but it says to be honest AND interesting).
Yuck! I'm right there with you and don't think you're being oversensitive at all. But I also want to caution you (speaking from experience) not to let this guy continue to believe that you are the receptionist. You will get pigeon-holed, and then when something happens he will insist that it was your responsibility. Maybe you could talk to your boss about it and ask him to gently remind this other guy that you're actually doing him a favor. Just an idea.
BTW, thanks for the award. Just posted my responses. :)
Take care!
I think you should report him to the Thoughtless Working Men of America Bureau! Which someone needs to start up, I'm sorry that it got you down. Brush it off, & keep in mind that some men just aren't too bright. Sending you a hug! xx
I had a moment similar just a week or so ago. I feel your pain man! My issue is that I took on a job in an emergency when a coworker passed away about 6 months ago. Well, the extra work became permanent, so I've been bothering them for more money. After all, other folks are getting paid more money because they do extra work for that office too - right? WRONG! It ONLY took about 4 months for them to tell me "no". They said I do as much as the other offices. But here's the kicker...each office has one person for each job I do; making 4 people for what I do by myself. Yeah CUTE!!! AHHH! I'm sure we had the same "bite me" thoughts, so I had to share my frustrations as well.
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