WOW! I got my first award today. You realize that this is just going to add to my already out of control blogging.
This was awarded to my from
An Eagles View. Thanks!
My acceptance speech: *Ahem* You like me, you REALLY, REALLY like me!!! (sudden flashbacks of Sally Field getting her Oscar) Anyhoo, this is just too cool. I appreciate the recognition of my random and candid thoughts.
I should probably post the rules:
The rules for the Honest Scrap award:A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers whom you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
OK, Here goes (I will try to do this quickly, like ripping a bandaid off)
1. I am the youngest of 4 kids and the only
active one in the church. It makes me sad.
2. I am trying to lose weight, but I feel like I constantly self-sabotage myself and can't figure out why.
3. I think my husband is super handsome when he is in all his temple gear!
4. I wish I had the ability to say exactly what is on my mind (tactfully).
5. I can cross my eyes and then un-cross only one at a time and alternate them back and forth. It kinda freaks people out. I think it's cool.
6. I met my hubby online through LDS Planet. We got married about 4.5 months after the "face to face". Best decision I ever made!
7. I desperately want children and having gone through 8 (known) miscarriages, it has taken me a LONG time to not get upset when a friend or family member has a baby.
8. I do not have a college education. I have had to work from a very early age and just never had the opportunity or time until I moved to NM. I am currently TRYING to get my degree here. (Go AGGIES!) I did, however, get my PhD from the School of Hard Knocks!
9. I have decided to "train" myself in the culinary arts. There are no culinary schools around here and I really want to enhance my skills, so I decided (just last night!) to do it myself!
10. I did not appreciate my membership in the LDS Church until I was 32 years old. I had a "spiritual epiphany" of sorts and have worked very hard to build my testimony and to live my life making the best choices possible. I do not have one. single. regret. for making those changes in my life. I actually am more at peace with myself than I have been in a LONG time.
There... Now, the 7 people I nominate/tag are:
April of
A Honu ExperienceStacy of The Gray Area
Ashley of The Weir Family
Lisa of Leatherwood Family Adventures
Wendy of
No Botox AllowedSarah of The Payne Family
Paula of
Random Thoughts from a Random Blonde