The hubbs and I were in Wal-Mart this evening and I meandered over to the shampoo isle. (I have a thing for smelly good things.)
Anyhoo, I was sniffing various shampoos and really couldn't find one that really did it for me.
Then I saw an endcap with the higher priced shampoos and as I removed the caps and started smelling... I was whisked away to a land of rainbows and meadows and flowers and fresh linen and ... well you get the picture.
I used to buy the expensive shampoos. One of my absolute favorite was a green tea peppermint shampoo where the scent lasted all day. The hubbs LOVED it.
I have no problem buying Suave or the store brand, but a lot of them have (for lack of a better word) bitter smell to them. It is this underlying scent that just doesn't sit right with me.
So I pose the question... does anyone know of a good smelling, lasting scented, won't break the budget shampoo?
Popped in from SITS to say hi!
And I saw your comment over at R Max's blog. I met my husband on LDS Singles. Internet couples, unite!
I too used to purchase the really expensive brands. Not because I thought that they smelled good, but because I felt like they made my hair a lot thicker (important for those of us with really fine hair). But I kind of got to the point where I didn't feel like the benefits outweighed the price. I now use Pantene, and I like the smell-but I don't think that it really lasts all day. Next time I purchase shampoo I'll probably switch to something else, and then in six to eight months I'll probably switch back to the expensive stuff for a spell.
Sorry, I try to avoid strong shampoo smells since they clash with perfume.
BUT . . . I can tell you about a super give-away contest running this week (and every week) on my LDS blog at Not Entirely British :-)
This time, the prize is a copy of award-winning author Annette Lyon's latest release in her Temple series - Tower of Strength.
I'm no help with shampoos either. I figure the tiny bottles from your visit to CA are gone huh? LOL
I usually buy a couple conditioners and mix them together. I find that the conditioners I need for straight but frizzy hair make my scalp not so happy - too oily. So, I mix. Maybe mixing the shampoos to make them last longer would help for the expensive brands??
Herbal Essence is one I like, although I will admit to splurging....shhhhh :)
I wonder why they stopped making that insane apple fragrance shampoo? The one that you could smell on someone for WEEKS.
I don't remember the brand name (I can see it right before my eyes) (that's what happens when you get old)......but I love it and it sure smells wonderful. (has lavendar and several other scents, green bottle, organic, herbal something). NOW AREN'T YOU GLAD I GAVE YOU THAT RECOMMENDATION.
I LOVE yummy smelling shampoo too. Finesse is my favorite, but I can't seem to find it at the store anymore. Sheesh! Let me know if you find the "perfect smelling" shampoo!
That's the thing... I have LOTS of favorites, but they are all over $15 per bottle! :(m
I get my shampoos free or nearly free couponing so I'm not loyal to a certain brand but I love fruity or minty scents...Aussie products and Garnier Fruits products are good ones...I have color treated hair, so brands like Suave and VO5 strip my color ( that I pay a bundle to get done every 5 weeks ) so I go for the midpriced brand with coupons.
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