The other class is to help fulfill my math requirement.
For my specific degree the ONLY required math class is...... MATH APPRECIATION. You apparently don't even do real math in this class?!?!?!???? (SWEET!!) Will they just show slides of numbers, equations and formulas, etc., and all we sit and do in the class and appreciate the fact that we don't have to actually do math?
So, as I was signing up for said classes, the computer would not let me sign up for the math class I needed, saying there was a pre-requisite class I needed to take first. So I went down to the school to try to sign up for my class and they looked at my records.... (now don't laugh), and according to their entrance exam I am so mathematically challenged, the school is requiring me to take a math class LOWER than MATH APPRECIATION first!! (I said don't laugh!)
I wonder what this class will be like? Who knows, maybe we will get snacks and nap time.
You're laughing... aren't you.