Soooo I got on the eliptical today. I also did some push-ups and crunches. After I got done, I was good and sweaty.
Being the immediate gratification person that I am, I looked in the mirror and was a bit put out when I saw that I was not at my goal weight.
I guess this means I have to do more of this exercise stuff.
I know how ya feel, I keep asking Hubby if I look any smaller yet, lol. :)
HAHAHAHA. I totally laughed out loud! I love that we think the same way :)
Um, yeah, I went a mile on our eliptical last night too...and I'd like to know why I didn't see any change either! :)
I'm going to find a way to make it instant and then patent it! I'll let you know how that goes!
LOL...I enjoy swimming so I don't know I'm sweating...work outs are not my thing, although I hear they are good for you ! LOL
You're a girl after my own heart! That is exactly the reason I struggle keeping up a routine.
Yeah see its not fair that we work out and don't see immediate results. When I eat ice cream my pants are immediately tighter. There is something very wrong with that!
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