I have been in a total state of writers block lately, so here are some thoughts that I couldn't quite make into a full post...
1. I have not really gone anywhere for the last 3 days and have a really bad case of Cabin Fever.
2. My writer's block has been so bad, that I have not even been even able to think of comments to make on others blogs! I have been a total one sided blog stalker for quite some time.
3. My house really needs to be dusted.
4. I did not realize how much I would enjoy being a housewife! So much so, that I decided not to move forward with the medical practice. I decided to go to school instead. Who 'da thunk it???
5. I think I finally found a really good smelling, reasonably priced shampoo! I just bought 2 big bottles of the Wal-Mart brand of Pantene Icy Shine. Oh yeah!
6. I love the smell of coffee. I was in Sam's Club and someone was grinding their coffee beans, I was in heaven!
7. I rented the movie, The Soloist. I turned it off in the middle. It was boring.
8. I am really enjoying this cold weather. It is 59 degrees and breezy outside and I have my house opened up. I wish it snowed here in the winter!
9. I am really looking forward to seeing my my hubby's family for Thanksgiving. I haven't seen them since Labor Day weekend and I really miss them.
10. It is almost 4pm here and I am still in my pajamas. I will probably only change out of them when I take a shower and then put a clean set on. I love lazy Sundays.