I often contemplate my role as a wife and the relationship I have with my husband.
I have been also thinking of late about becoming a mother. When I think of this, I am excited, thrilled, nervous and scared as H. E. double hockysticks. I kinda know what to expect, you know, about the basics, the rudementary tasks of motherhood, such as changing diapers, feeding, bathing, etc. What I am unprepared for is the emotional part... but not just about how I will feel toward our child. What I think about is how becoming parents will change our marriage.
I had often worried that it would put some distance between us, that we wouldn't be as close as we are now.
This past weekend, we were able to spend some time with my hubby's family. His sister has 2 children. One of which is my buddy. From the time we got there we were attached at the hip and I was her personal entertainment unit, hug giver, jungle gym, book reader, song singer, knee bouncer, you get the picture. It is like this everytime we see them, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
During this whole time, my hubby was right there, playing, tickling, being a part of it all. On the way home I shared my concerns and we had a really great discussion about it. I know that 2 days does not predict a lifetime, but being the worrier that I am, it really put my mind at ease.
So, for all of you mom's out there, how did having a child (or children) change your relationship with your husband?