"Edwina's insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase." - Raising Arizona
This quote has been near and dear to me for many a year. It's funny and sad at the same time, which perfectly describes our journey to parenthood, (although mostly sad) This subject is not something I have blogged a lot about, but my hubbs and I have had LOTS of trouble trying to have children.
That being said, this is not meant to be a sad post. It is actually great news.
The hubbs and I decided (in sacrament meeting, no less... passing notes back and forth, yes we ARE that mature!) to finish our adoption paperwork.
We turned in the first half about a year ago, put down our "deposit". I think we (I) got financial cold feet and things kind of fizzled out on our end. I kept wanting these financial goal met
(which is not a bad thing, except when you aren't doing the things you need to do to reach your goal) Well, we've met most of the goals now. We are almost debt free, and continuing to build our savings.
The final push to get things going again...
This weekend we went out to dinner with my hubby's sister (& family) and our good friends (& their baby). After dinner, we were walking out to the car and the two mom's took their babies to their respective cars because their babies needed to be fed (they both breast feed). I felt so excluded at that moment. I was outside, hanging out with the guys.
Our goal is to get all the paperwork, finger prints, EVERYTHING filled out and sent off by then end of the week.
Once we do that, we have to get our homestudy done, then we can create our profiles (one for their website and a hard copy) once all is approved, we are officially on the waiting list. And while we are doing all of that, we need to...SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!!!!! Adoption is not cheap.
Donations will GLADLY be accepted!!!
So, my bloggy friends, over the next few months, as our adoption journey resumes, I will be keeping you filled in with the ups and downs, the highs and lows of this exciting time in our life.
Woooo Hooo!!