We have had our sweet girl almost 3 months now. It has been a roller coaster ride and the biggest learning experience of my life.
I have learned:
That life isn't about me and what I want anymore. It is about providing for our daughter and doing what is best for her.
Doing things when I want at the exact time I want is a thing of the past. I have to schedule my life around what works best for our child.
Hot meals are a luxury. It seems that she is hungry when I am and I have learned to like cold or reheated food.
Showers need to be quick. Not that I took a long time before, but now, they happen in the blink of an eye.
Patience is a necessity for motherhood. It was necessary while waiting to become a mother and even more so now.
Being critical of other parents was easy before I became one. I can understand why other parents say, feel and do certain things now. I used to silently judge them, but as much as I don't want to admit this, it was because I didn't understand.
That no matter how frazzled or frustrated I get, her smile makes everything right again.