Welcome to my blog. This is where I hang out, whine, laugh and try to bring humor to all that want to share a few minutes visiting. Thanks for stopping by!
This is the kitchen window. The sink will be directly underneath.
The skylight (that I got for FREE) in the livingroom.
They installed the garage door on 4/23/07. Tammy is standing in the garage looking out. The gray car is our Malibu.
This is the Network Interface box that has all the wires for the cable and DSL and stuff.
Drum roll please...................... WE GOT OUR BIG SHOWER AND LINEN CLOSET!!!!!!! After the Big Boss looked at our house, he said it could be done. We are so excited. One can never have too much storage!!!
This picture was taken while I was standing in the living room. Mike is standing in what will be the master bedroom.
This picture above is in the laundry room plumbing and vent tubing for the washer and dryer.
This picture is in the guest bathroom. They have installed the tub and the plumbing lines for the sink and toilet.
This is part of the HVAC system (Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition). These tubes run to all the vents in each room in the house. Once the house is complete, they do a pressure test to make sure that all the rooms are cooled and heated equally.
Wow. I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since my last post!!! As you can see from the pictures, they have the skin (plywood) to the outside of the house, as well as the Tyvek wrap and chicken wire for in preparation for the stucco.
Can you see our address up there on the last picture??
They are now putting the roof "triangles" or trusses on!!!! Whooooo Hooooo!!! That last photo is our covered patio facing the back yard.
We are trying to make some changes to the master bathroom. Currently, the plan has a garden tub and a shower stall, but the garden tub is really too small for most people to do anything but soak their feet in. SO, my hope is to remove the tub, extend the shower and add a linen closet. It may not happen because the foundation is already poured. The Big Cheese over construction is going to check it out for us on 4/3/07 to see if it can be done, so I will keep you posted!
The top 3 pics are views from the back yard. Now as you can see from the bottom 2, they have started putting the "skin" of plywood on the house. It seemed like it took forever for them to start our house and now everytime I drive by there (which is just about every day during my lunch hour) they have done more and more.
They started framing!!! This is the "skeleton" of the house. And yes, this is OUR house. Mike is looking out the livingroom window toward the backyard.
Well, it's been a few weeks since our last post and there has been great progress in the raising of our house.
They poured the foundation on 3/27 as you can see here. I do have a confession to make. These 2 pictures are not our ACTUAL foundation. I did not get to the area in time to get a picture of the foundation before they started putting the frame up. But this is what it would look like! :)