Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Suck at Visiting Teaching

I have totally sucked lately at performing my Visiting Teaching responsibilities. I won't try to make excuses. I just have not made it a priority. My schedule is even tighter now that I am going to school, but I am going to do better.

In Relief Society a few weeks ago, we were implored by a member of the Relief Society presidency to do our Visiting Teaching. Even though it took me another 2 weeks to get into gear, I finally made my appointments. What really got to me, (and even made me feel a bit ashamed for taking so long to make my calls) was one sister that I called just sounded not only surprised, but I could hear the gratitude in her voice that her Visiting Teachers had actually called. So, that being said.....

With this being October, I couldn't help but run to the store tonight and put together some treats for our sisters. Here they are:

I am excited to go.


Molly said...

You're great!! I've only just started VT again after about a year. (I really don't enjoy doing it) Don't feel bad by a few weeks. You are totally awesome!

Nonna said...

I'm with you...I put it off and then run out of is so much easier to do now, you can email, write a letter, phone call or visit in person too...there are no excuses not get it done. To me, it always is easier when there's a Holiday involved. Those goodie Halloween for your VT sisters are so cute and easy !

Doug & April said...


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